April 13, 2020

Hi Everyone! This is Jesse, your mosaic instructor. Hopefully you aren't too bored, but if you are and want a little project to do at home, here you go!  Since most of us don’t have glass mosaic tiles laying around at home, this one uses scrap paper.  Here are the supplies you’ll need:
-Paper to draw on
-Scraps of colored paper
-A reference picture or drawing

If you do a mosaic project, send a picture to Sohail.Eftekharzadeh@pathways.com and we’ll post it to share with everyone!

March 30, 2020
Virtual Tours
Staying at home for extended periods of time can be extremely difficult. It's completely normal to feel down or reminisce about the privilege we once had being in public and enjoying the company of others. Though we are no longer allowed to visit our favorite places in-person due to social distancing, many different venues are offering virtual tours/videos to enjoy from the comfort of our own homes! Below, you may find links to various different settings and interactive videos for your own entertainment: 

British Museum 
The Louvre 
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 
The Vatican Museum 

Zoos and Aquariums: 
Georgia Aquarium, Beluga Webcam 
San Diego Zoo Live Cams 
Houston Zoo Live Cams 
Monterey Bay Aquarium Live Cams 

Theme Parks: 
Disneyland Tour 
Disneyland Rides 

Historical Places:
Buckingham Palace 
Galapagos Islands 
Great Barrier Reef 
National Park Tours 

 Written by: Shayda, Wellness Center Central Intern

April 2, 2020
The American Heart Association and USDA both recommend that healthy Americans should be engaging in 150 minutes of moderate exercise per day. One way of including more exercise in your life is through online videos and classes.
Leslie Sansone, fitness trainer for Walk At Home Media,  is a lively and encouraging online personal trainer that will help you meet your fitness goals during this time in which you may be engaging in less physical activity as your schedule changes. Her videos are fun and engaging and will allow you to walk up to two miles by simply marching, and sometimes dancing, in place. The 20-30 minute routines Leslie puts together are easy to learn and participants usually burn between 200 and 300 calories! Utilizing this resource will surely encourage a healthy body and healthy mind.  

Written by:  Ariel, Health Educator

March 30, 2020
Hi everyone, it’s Alex here. I hope you all are doing great. I miss doing Zumba with all of you. Let's get up & move around together with some great music.  Written By: Alex, Peer Specialist 

April 8, 2020
Resources for the homeless:

OC Armory Shelters Relocation Information
The Orange County Armory Emergency Shelters in Fullerton and Santa Ana have been relocated as of Tuesday 3/24/2020.  The alternative sites will begin operating as a 24/7 Emergency Shelter Program.

To inquire about bed availability, please call:
(714) 213-9815 for Fullerton Shelter Site
(949) 988-1239 for Santa Ana Shelter Site

For questions please contact:
Janiss Diaz, Program Manager Fullerton Shelter at (714) 836-7188 ext. 168

Gabriel Silva, Program Manager Santa Ana Shelter at (714) 836-7188 ext.212

March 26, 2020

COVID-19 & Mental Health Resources: 

The unparalleled outbreak of COVID-19 we are now experiencing has enabled us all to go through a period of great transition and change in our daily lives. As we all strive to adapt to a new reality, it is very important that we continue to find ways to stay positive and healthy through family, friends, and reliable outside sources. Though for now we are unable to meet in-person, as usual, Wellness Center Central stays committed to making sure that we upkeep the community support we all love and are used to. In addition to the classes/groups we are now offering remotely, we feel it is important to update our members with ways to stay healthy during this time, both mentally and physically. 

Please understand that everybody reacts to stress in their own unique ways. This global pandemic can easily bring on fear and worry about your health and the health of those around you, changes in sleeping/eating patterns, worsening of preexisting health conditions, or increased substance use. 

Here are 10 general recommendations for coping with the country's lockdown: 

1. Notice and accept how you feel. 
It is completely normal to experience new feelings and emotions during this time. Pay careful attention to how your mood may be affected by it and look into ways to improve it. 

2. Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to the news. 
Though it is important to stay well-informed, it is easy to experience misinformation or information overload. Sometimes listening to the news too frequently may cause unnecessary panic or worry and taking breaks can help ease anxiety. 

3. Eat well-balanced meals and exercise regularly. 
It is highly important that we eat all healthy while we stay inside. A great way to stay in shape is to find an at-home workout that works best for you and your living space. 

4. Find distractions to keep you busy.
Housework, cooking/baking, reading books, coloring, talking on the phone, and playing with pets are all great ways to stay busy and avoid boredom. 

5. Try to keep up with daily routines
Incorporating a routine into your day may help you establish a sense of certainty and control during this overwhelming situation. 

6. Connect with and help others. 
Though we can't meet with others face-to-face and we must practice social distancing, we are still able to communicate. Call a friend, write a letter to a family member, or even reach out to your community to see how you can help those in need. 

7. Get fresh air when you are able to. 
Taking a short walk in your neighborhood or sitting outside can instantly lift your spirits. Don’t underestimate some fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun. 

8. Meditate, or focus on your breathing. 
Taking a moment to hit "pause" during this hectic time can really help you to relax and get through the day. Try to set aside time specifically for meditation/yoga or to focus on your breathing patterns. 

9. Practice Gratitude
It is easy to forget how blessed we truly are when faced with a global disaster like this. Take some time to appreciate those around you that are happy and healthy. Maybe even make a list of all the things/people that you are grateful for. 

10. Go easy on yourself. 
This is not an easy time and no one could've expected this to pan out the way it has. Please do not blame yourself, as you did not ask for this, and no one deserves to have their world flipped upside down. 

For more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about managing anxiety or stress during the COVID-19 outbreak, please visit
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/managing-stress-anxiety.html and 


If you or someone you care about, are feeling overwhelmed with emotions like sadness, depression, or anxiety, or feel like you want to harm yourself or others, please call 911 or Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. You may also visit them online at

Written by: Shayda, Wellness Center Central Intern

March 26, 2020

Please see the press release below from the Orange County Emergency Operations Center about mental Resilience During a Public Health Emergency.  A direct link is available here:


April 10, 2020
A message from our partner, Orange County Health Care Agency, on Building Resiliency.

April 15, 2020  Written by: Shayda, Intern

Thank you all for participating in my first class as a facilitator, Coping with Anxiety! Below is the information I provided earlier in our class on Monday.

Overthinking can be defined as thinking too much about something in a way that is more unhelpful than helpful. It can also be defined as excessive thinking about details or losing focus on the big picture. Some signs that you may be overthinking include a lack of sleep, having a hard time letting things go, perfectionism, racing thoughts, self-criticism, catastrophizing, feeling like your brain is stuck “on”, or even experiencing physical tension. 

Dealing with Overthinking
Below are 5 different tactics that you can try in order to stop or reduce your overthinking. It is important to note that none of these suggestions are quick fixes, but that they may be implemented in our daily lives in order to start seeing positive changes. So, if one thing doesn’t necessarily work for you, you may find that something else does. It might not be immediate either, because these tips can become more powerful with practice. 

1.  Change Your Environment
This is extremely important now, especially since we are all staying home regularly. Simply getting up off of your chair and walking into another room may help you. If possible, go outside. Be sure to follow social distancing restrictions, of course, and maybe take a neighborhood walk, walk your dog, or even get some fresh air! Giving yourself a change of scenery is very important when you’re trying to get out of a funk. 

2.  Write Down How You're Feeling
It is helpful to write down everything that is bothering you in your current situation. Not only is it good to write down the negative feelings you may be having, but also to address positive feelings as well. Write down it all! The good, the bad, and the ugly. Writing down your thoughts helps to slow down your brain and can assist you in acknowledging your fears and begin trying to accept them.

3.  Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness is the process of bringing one's attention to experiences that are occurring in the present moment. An easy way to practice mindfulness is to focus your attention on what you're hearing, smelling, and seeing in this very moment. If your mind wanders, be sure to bring your attention back. Another way to practice mindfulness is to focus on what you may be eating, doing, or who you're talking to at the moment. This really helps to relax your body and mind. Keep in mind, mindfulness meditation takes a lot of practice. If this doesn't work for you, or if you'd like a more instant response, I suggest listening to soothing music, using aromatherapy, or taking a bath.

4.  Distract Yourself
In order to break the cycle of overthinking, try to find tasks that can distract you from thinking too much about one topic at hand. Examples of distractions can include exercising, artwork, games, reading, or cooking and baking. The whole point of this exercise is to try something new, and with all of our extra time inside, this is the perfect time!

5.  Let Go of Perfection
Letting go of perfection is very hard. Instead of striving for perfection, I suggest that you strive for "good enough". Your personal "good enough" may vary from day to day, and can be your own personal goal. It's important to remember that we all make mistakes and that we are only human. Learn from your mistakes, instead of dwelling on them! Perfection doesn't exist.

Here are the poems I read in our group:

Self-Observation Without Judgment (Danna Faulds)
Release the harsh and pointed inner voice. it's just a throwback to the past and holds no truth about this moment. Let go of self-judgment, the old, learned ways of beating yourself up for each imagined inadequacy. Allow the dialogue within the mind to grow friendlier, and quiet. Shift out of inner criticism and life suddenly looks very different. I can say this only because I make the choice a hundred times a day to release the voice that refuses to acknowledge the real me. What's needed here isn't more prodding toward perfection, but intimacy - seeing clearly, and embracing what I see. Love, not judgment, sows the seeds of tranquility and change.

Walk Slowly (Danna Faulds)
It only takes a reminder to breathe, a moment to be still, and just like that, something in me settles, softens, makes space for imperfection. The harsh voice of judgment drops to a whisper and I remember again that life isn't a relay race; that we will all cross the finish line; that waking up to life is what we were born for. As many times as I forget, catch myself charging forward without even knowing where I'm going, that many times I can make the choice to stop, to breathe, and be, and walk slowly into the mystery.

Whatever Doesn’t Serve (Danna Faulds) 
What weight can you put down right now, willingly relinquishing the pointed quills of guilt or judgment? What burden of the heart can lift, what dark corner can be lit, the candle flickering at first, then burning bright?

With the next breath, let it go, that old story you’ve told yourself a million times. Whatever doesn’t serve you on this path of truth, leave it behind. Offer this one gift: the simple sacrifice that in the giving sets you free to fully live.

​​​​March 20, 2020
We are in unprecedented times, but we’re all in this together. If you need anything at all, please contact us at 714-361-4860. Please enjoy this video and continue to be rooted in love.


April 13, 2020
Please enjoy this video message from one of our talented members!

Wellness Center Central
401 S. Tustin Street # C Orange, CA 92866
Sohail Eftekharzadeh, Program Director (714) 361-4860